Grade School Borrowing Policies for 2016
Students may borrow 1 library book per cycle. Books are checked out during regularly scheduled library classes on B-Days, and are due the following B-day. If there is no wait list for a title, students may renew (re-borrow) their library books for another cycle. Fines are assessed for damaged or lost library books. Please see the "Fines" section below for more information. Grade 1 Students may borrow 1 library book per cycle during the fall semester and 2 books per cycle during the spring semester. Books are checked out during regularly scheduled library classes on A-Days, and are due the following A-Day. If there is no wait list for a title, students may renew (re-borrow) their library books for another cycle. Fines are assessed for overdue, damaged or lost library books. Please see the see the "Fines" section below for more information. Grade 2-3 Students may borrow a maximum of 2 library books before school, during select snack and lunch recesses, and during regularly scheduled library classes (B-days for Grade 2, D-Days for 3A and 3B, E-Days for 3C, and F-Days for 3D). Books are due two cycles from the date borrowed (for example, books checked out on B-Days will be due on the B-Day after next). If there is no wait list for a title, students may renew (re-borrow) their library books for another two cycles. Fines are assessed for overdue, damaged or lost library books. Please see "Fines" section below for more information. Grade 4 to 5 Students may borrow a maximum of 2 library books. Students may borrow books before school, during select snack and lunch recesses, and during flexible schedule library classes. Books are due two cycles from the date borrowed (for example, books checked out on A-Days will be due on the A-Day after next). If there is no wait list for a title, students may renew (re-borrow) their library books for another two cycles. Fines are assessed for overdue, damaged or lost library books. Please see "Fines" section below for more information. Grade 6 to 8 Students may borrow a maximum of 3 library books per cycle. Students may borrow books before school, during select snack and lunch recesses, and during flexible scheduled library classes. Books are due two cycles from the date borrowed (for example, books checked out on A-Days will be due on the A-Day after next). If there is no wait list for a title, students may renew (re-borrow) their library books for another two cycles. Fines are assessed for overdue, damaged or lost library books. Please see "Fines" section below for more information. Fines